Simplify the appointment management process in your practice and offer the best experience to your patients

Save valuable time

Increase your visibility

Maximise your efficiency

Are you a healthcare provider looking to know more about Doctena? We will be happy to guide you!

Empowering practitioners to build strong patient connections


satisfaction among customers


appointments booked per month


onboarding satisfaction

Testimonial Doctena

Colette Peeters – Osteopathin

“Nachdem ich 28 Jahre lang mit einem traditionellen Terminplaner aus Papier gearbeitet habe, bin ich 2019 auf Doctena umgestiegen. Damit können die Patienten rund um die Uhr ganz bequem ihre Arzttermine buchen. Dank des Erinnerungssystems von Doctena haben wir fast keine No-Shows mehr. Doctena gibt uns mehr Zeit für unsere Patienten in unserer Gemeinschaftspraxis. Sehr empfehlenswert!”

Testimonial Doctena

Colette Peeters

After 28 years working with a traditional paper agenda, I switched to Doctena in 2019. This allows patients to book their appointments 24/7. Thanks to Doctena’s reminder system, we have almost no no-shows. Doctena gives us more time for our patients in our group practice. Highly recommended!”

Colette Peeters – Osteopath

After 28 years working with a traditional paper agenda, I switched to Doctena in 2019. This allows patients to book their appointments 24/7. Thanks to Doctena’s reminder system, we have almost no no-shows. Doctena gives us more time for our patients in our group practice. Highly recommended!”

Testimonial Doctena

Doctena: Simplify your appointments, maximize your time

24/7 Appointment Booking

Optimize both your time and your patients’ with 24/7 online booking, easily filling available slots.

Secure Medical Software

Our agenda is both simple and customizable, meeting the strictest data security standards

Visibility and Reputation

Enhance your practice’s visibility and strengthen your reputation with our online booking plugin for your website.

Your time, their health, our priority

Doctena introduces you to the era of simplicity with our online agenda solution for healthcare professionals, offering an easy and efficient way to schedule and manage your patient appointments.

Provide your patients the convenience of booking appointment slots online and the option for remote consultations. Our commitment to data security ensures a peaceful and protected management of all information.

No more worries about missed or forgotten appointments. With our system, your patients automatically receive reminders, significantly reducing the risk of no-shows.

Doctena introduces you to the era of simplicity with our online agenda solution for healthcare professionals, offering an easy and efficient way to schedule and manage your patient appointments.

Provide your patients the convenience of booking appointment slots online and the option for remote consultations. Our commitment to data security ensures a peaceful and protected management of all information.

No more worries about missed or forgotten appointments. With our system, your patients automatically receive reminders, significantly reducing the risk of no-shows.

How does online appointment booking with Doctena work?

Images of doctors

Dr. Frank Vermeersch – Gynäkologe

“Als Gynäkologe bin ich sehr zufrieden mit Doctena. Ich habe nicht nur einen erheblichen Anstieg meines Patientenstamms festgestellt, sondern ich konnte auch eine sehr professionelle Website für mich erstellen lassen. Die Einführung der Online-Buchung über Doctena hat meine Organisation erheblich verbessert, und meine Patienten sind sehr glücklich über den Komfort, den es bietet. Es hat wirklich die Art und Weise, wie ich mit meinen Patienten kommuniziere und meine Praxis präsentiere, verändert.”

Dr. Frank Vermeersch

As a gynecologist I am fully satisfied with Doctena. I’ve noticed a significant increase in my clientele and also benefited from the creation of a very professional website. Implementing the online appointment scheduling feature through Doctena has greatly optimized my organization, much to the delight of my patients who greatly appreciate this convenience. This innovation has profoundly transformed my way of communicating with my patients and promoting my practice.”

Dr. Frank Vermeersch – Gynecologist

As a gynecologist I am fully satisfied with Doctena. I’ve noticed a significant increase in my clientele and also benefited from the creation of a very professional website. Implementing the online appointment scheduling feature through Doctena has greatly optimized my organization, much to the delight of my patients who greatly appreciate this convenience. This innovation has profoundly transformed my way of communicating with my patients and promoting my practice.”

Want to try Doctena for free?

Dr. Lieve Vande Putte – Allgemeinmedizinerin


“Ich kann nicht mehr ohne den Online-Terminplaner von Doctena leben, und ich bin nicht die Einzige: Fast die Hälfte aller meiner Patienten buchen ihre Termine auf diese Weise. Das erspart mir viel administrativen Aufwand. Außerdem kann ich oft besser vorbereitet in einen Termin gehen, da viele Patienten den Grund für die Konsultation bereits bei der Buchung kurz beschrieben haben.”

Dr. Lieve Vande Putte
General Practitioner

I couldn’t do without Doctena’s online agenda anymore, and I’m not the only one: nearly half of all my patients make their appointments this way. It saves me a lot of administrative work. Moreover, I can often start an appointment better prepared because many patients have already briefly described the reason for the consultation when booking.

Dr Lieve Vande Putte – General Practitioner

I couldn’t do without Doctena’s online agenda anymore, and I’m not the only one: nearly half of all my patients make their appointments this way. It saves me a lot of administrative work. Moreover, I can often start an appointment better prepared because many patients have already briefly described the reason for the consultation when booking.”

Doctena news

  • Doctena 2024: A year of progress for more accessible healthcare


  • Gesundheit in greifbarer Nähe: Wie Smartphones das Verhalten von Patienten revolutioniere

    Mobile Healthcare: How Phones Are Revolutionizing Patient Behavior


  • Mastering E-Reputation for Healthcare Professionals


Our most popular FAQs

Doctena streamlines the daily operations of more than 10,000 doctors and healthcare professionals, reducing administrative work and freeing up valuable time for your patients.
Doctena’s flexible solution simplifies appointment management through our two main products.
First, we offer an advanced and fully personalizable Online Agenda for healthcare providers (Doctena PRO).
Second, on our Online Booking Platform ( and the Doctena App), patients can schedule their medical appointments in just a few clicks.

Doctena PRO, efficiently managing appointments and patient data, helps you streamline your day-to-day operations and saves you valuable time. Simultaneously, our Agenda Software upholds the highest data security standards, as evidenced by our attainment of ISO 27001 Certification — an international recognition affirming our adherence to strict information security protocols. This certification guarantees the confidentiality and integrity of our users’ data.

Our Online Booking System allows healthcare providers to display their professional profiles and available times, making it simple for patients to schedule appointments in just a few clicks. This 24/7 accessibility to Online Booking enhances patient experience with round-the-clock appointment scheduling, optimising your practice’s schedule and filling last-minute slots effortlessly. In addition, healthcare professionals leverage Doctena’s Online Booking Platform to boost the visibility and reputation of their practices, thereby attracting an increasing number of new patients.

The Doctena Online Agenda streamlines administrative tasks for secretaries, enabling them to offer more support to practitioners during consultations. This efficiency allows them to allocate time to other important duties, such as handling invoicing. Simultaneously, handling patient phone calls from patients is replaced by the automatic sending of SMS and email reminders and notifications. This automation reduces manual work by up to 30%, while significantly improving patient care and decreasing no-show rates by up to 70%.  As our system is very intuitive, your secretaries can perfectly use the Online Agenda after their first Onboarding session.

Explore all our features

The initial setup of Doctena PRO inside your practice has never been easier. We provide full support on that part and our Onboarding team helps you get familiar with the Agenda Software. You will be explained the functionalities and customisation possibilities in depth so as to be able to tailor the Online Agenda to your workflows.
See how the Doctena agenda works in a demo video.

More questions? Please contact us!

Security and Collaboration: At the Heart of Our Commitment to Health

Zlatku Dritero – Dentist

I have had Doctena since I started my new practice, and thanks to the Doctena booking portal I already had 8 new bookings for my first day working as a dentist in my new practice.

Dr. Frank Vermeersch – Gynäkologe

“Als Gynäkologe bin ich sehr zufrieden mit Doctena. Ich habe nicht nur einen erheblichen Anstieg meines Patientenstamms festgestellt, sondern ich konnte auch eine sehr professionelle Website für mich erstellen lassen. Die Einführung der Online-Buchung über Doctena hat meine Organisation erheblich verbessert, und meine Patienten sind sehr glücklich über den Komfort, den es bietet. Es hat wirklich die Art und Weise, wie ich mit meinen Patienten kommuniziere und meine Praxis präsentiere, verändert.”

Zlatku Ditero

I have had Doctena since I started my new practice, and thanks to the Doctena booking portal I already had 8 new bookings for my first day working as a dentist in my new practice.