Reasons why you should know and visit these 5 specialists

Published on 21/03/2018

Reasons why you should know and visit these 5 specialists

In life, health is the most precious asset. As the elders say, health is the greatest of all riches. And rightly so! Indeed, you must take care of yourself and undergo regular medical check-ups. You should not wait until the first symptoms appear before deciding to go to the clinic. It is therefore important to schedule regular check-ups to obtain professional medical advice and guidance, and to consider treatment, if necessary. Over the long term, some conditions can be detrimental to health, leading to more serious problems than expected. There are various specialists for the different parts and organs of the human body. The following is a list of some of the specialists and reasons to consider visiting them.
#1: The Dentist
This is the health care professional who takes care of your teeth. It helps prevent cavities and other dental problems. According to a study, it turns out that some 32% of people living in the United States are concerned about the appearance of their teeth. However, only a few people enjoy sitting in the dentist’s chair, while a majority forgo their dental visit for reasons such as fear, cost, or other priorities. Many people don’t even know how often they should make appointments with their local dentist. So if you can’t remember the last time you went to the dentist for a dental checkup, then it’s time to visit your local clinic for an oral exam.

Why go to the dentist?
The American Dental Association recommends at least one annual visit to the dentist. However, twice a year is a great start. However, there is no ideal recommendation for every individual. Regardless of whether you floss, and brush your teeth at home, here are the reasons why you should visit the dentist every six months:

    • To avoid tooth decay – Improving your oral health is key to avoiding tooth decay. Therefore, a visit to the dentist once every six months will help you avoid tooth decay and other problems.
    • To prevent gum disease – Only a dentist is trained to detect the early signs of gum disease, long before it leads to more serious problems. Gingivitis can cause swelling and redness of the gums, which can cause pain when you eat. Your dentist can give you suggestions on how to prevent these problems, and help you clean your teeth.
    • Eliminate Plaque – Do you know about the sticky deposit, containing many harmful bacteria, that naturally develops on the surface of your teeth, especially along the gum line? If you let this plaque build up on your teeth, it can lead to tartar build-up, which is known to turn your teeth black. Irregular brushing is one of the various causes of the development of this plaque. According to several studies, at least one in four adults do not brush their teeth twice a day. If you visit your dentist twice a year, he or she will remove plaque and your teeth will be cleaned.
    • Improve your smile – You can join the ranks of celebrities who like to show off their perfectly white teeth, without having to break the bank. By visiting your dentist every six months, he or she will be able to improve your smile through various treatments that will brighten, whiten, and clean your teeth. According to a study conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, approximately 96% of adults believe that a beautiful smile contributes to a person’s charm and attractiveness. In addition, 74% of adults believe that unattractive smiles can reduce the chances of succeeding professionally.
    • Save money in the future – Identifying oral problems early can save money in the long run. By ensuring that you maintain and care for your teeth regularly, you reduce the risk of developing oral problems, and erase the need to spend money on expensive dental work, such as tooth extraction, etc. Such costly treatments can be avoided by a check-up at the dentist every six months.

#2 : The optometrist
How often you visit your optometrist depends on your family and medical history. The decision can also be made by the ophthalmologist. In addition, your environment, as well as risk factors, may also influence your optometrist’s instructions.
The eye exam includes many tests, such as the “letter grid” or eye screening, as well as other tests or examinations to detect a possible vision problem or any other problem in the eye. These tests are crucial to detect eye problems before they become more serious and costly.
That’s why health professionals recommend that patients have an eye exam at least once a year.

#3: The gynecologist
A gynecologist is a doctor for women. This specialist is trained in a branch of medicine that covers women’s health, specifically female genital health.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, every woman should make time to visit their gynecologist at least once a year for regular checkups. Generally, annual visits include a routine internal examination of the pelvic area. However, this point is under discussion. Indeed, a recent study showed that annual pelvic exams are not useful for healthy, low-risk women. Moreover, according to the American College of Physicians, such examinations may even cause discomfort, anxiety, and result in unnecessary surgery. Despite this revelation, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists still recommends that women who are at least 21 years old visit their gynecologist annually.
Annual visits to your gynecologist will not always result in pelvic exams, but they are essential. For example, during annual visits to your doctor, he or she may examine your breasts. You can also discuss your contraceptive options with your doctor. During such a visit, topics such as your mental and sexual health will be discussed, not to mention any other risk factors that may arise unexpectedly later.
What’s more, these annual visits will also provide an opportunity to clarify such things as your age and family history of cancer screening. The doctor may also give you a Pap smear to check for cervical abnormalities. However, such an examination is usually performed only once every five years for women between the ages of 21 and 65 who are in good physical condition. Your gynecologist can help you decide or choose the right time to start having annual mammograms – usually for low-risk women between the ages of 40 and 50 – and how often to have them. Sexually active women, or those with multiple partners, should also be screened annually for sexually transmitted diseases.

#4: The dermatologist
Studies have shown that at least one in five Americans is at risk of developing skin cancer. Therefore, it is essential that you visit the dermatologist at least once a year, regardless of whether you are an avid user of sunscreens or tanning products. It is important that you have your entire body examined, especially if you have a family history of skin cancer. On the other hand, if you notice the appearance or development of several pigmented spots, it is crucial to visit the dermatologist more frequently.
You must also be very attentive, or track the slightest mole or spot that appears on your skin, and changes shape daily, so that you can quickly make an appointment with your specialist. You can also ask your doctor to teach you how to examine your skin yourself. Early identification is more likely if you know how to examine your skin yourself. However, professional assessments should not be taken for granted either.

#5 : The ENT specialist
This doctor will help you solve problems related to the ears, nose, and throat. If you have a nagging sore throat, you may have tonsillitis. Your nasal septum is probably narrow if you have problems breathing through your nose. This doctor will also examine your ears if you have hearing problems. An ENT can prescribe a hearing aid for seniors who have a hearing impairment, or remove an earwax plug in your ear.
Other health professionals also play a vital role in ensuring healthy living, including dentists, nephrologists, and psychologists. In case of health problems, regular visits should be made. So, by going to the doctor regularly, you are helping to improve your health, and ensure a long life. A specialist will help you improve your quality of life.

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PS: Doctena allows you to make free online appointments with thousands of doctors in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

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